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SVS - Världens mest topptestade subwoofers!

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Amerikanska SVS har länge varit en av de absolut främsta tillverkarna av subwoofers, både för HiFi och hemmabio. Här har vi samlat utmärkelser, tester och recensioner som de olika basarna fått i tester världen över. Läs och njut!

SVS 1000 Pro-serien

1000 Pro-serien finns i två olika utföranden, den portade PB-1000 pro och slutna SB-1000 Pro, där den stora skillnaden är storleken på kabinettet och själva konstruktionen. Båda basarna använder ett välbeprövat Sledge slutsteg med 325 watts kontinuerlig effekt (820 watt peak) och inbyggd 50 MHz DSP från Analog Devices. Här hittar du även SVS fantastiska app som du smidigt kopplar upp med Bluetooth mot din subwoofer och får tillgång till en mängd olika inställningsmöjligheter utan att behöva röra dig från din favoritsoffa när något behöver justeras. SB-1000 Pro spelar, tack vare den slutna konstruktionen, lite tajtare och mer musikaliskt men gräver inte lika djupt som den portade versionen. Vilken man väljer handlar såklart i slutändan om tycke, smak, hur den skall användas och var den kan placeras.

The Master Switch Reviews SB-1000 Pro, läs recensionen
One of the most accomplished, confident sub woofers available today. It has some of the best design, controls, and usability that we’ve ever tested, and it sounds absolutely splendid. We highly recommend it to just about everybody. At the time of writing, we think it’s the best subwoofer you can currently buy.

Residential Tech Today Reviews SB-1000 Pro, läs recensionen
A capable workhorse. I can’t believe bass like this exists under $500. Run, do not walk to your SVS dealer and pick one (or two) up. If you’ve got the budget, feel free to spend up in their line, as well. You won’t be disappointed.

Audioholics Reviews 1000 Pro Series Subwoofers,”Bassaholic Large” Award, läs recensionen
Punchy mid - bass, flat frequency response, honest - to - goodness extension down to 20Hz. Astonishing performance for their size. For the price and size, I don’t know that anyone is challenging the SVS 1000 Pro subwoofers.

AV Forums Reviews SB-1000 Pro, “Best Buy” Award, läs recensionen
Delivers an impressive performance, and affordable pricing, but also sports features usually only found on more expensive models. Precise and controlled, combined with a surprising amount of depth considering its dimensions. A definite best buy.

HiFi Reference Reviews PB-1000 Pro, läs recensionen
Whether it’s with music playback or watching movies, the PB-1000 Pro offers the best of both worlds. Delivers some of the loudest and deepest bass that I have ever experienced at this price. But, even at modest volumes, the lows always remain controlled. True cinema - level bass quality.

Home Theater Forum Reviews PB-1000 Pro, läs recensionsen
So what does a company do then when it’s time to update a storied subwoofer like the PB-1000? You trickle down some of the proven enhancements already part of the other series and package them in a manner where almost anyone can afford it, then you make the thing bulletproof. Very good detail and a nice balanced sound. It brilliantly played what was within its capability. Job well done!

Home Theater HiFi Reviews SB-1000 Pro, läs recensionen
Extension down to 20 Hz. Prodigious bass output belying its size. Easy on the eyes. SVS really raises the bar. It is brilliantly designed with features and performance belying its price.

Cheap Audio Man (YouTube) Reviews SB-1000 Pro, se videon
It’s kind of a no-brainer. As good as I’ve ever heard from a texture and tone perspective. Sealed, small, fast, digs deep down to 20Hz, and the app is an absolute game-changer. I don’t think any one can touch SVS at this price. Nobody.

Home Theater Review reviews 1000 Pro Serie, läs recensionen
Performed extremely well with testosterone-fueled cinema, room-shaking, thump-in-the-middle-of-the-chest low-frequency pressuriz action. Both subwoofers beautifully resolved musical bass notes, with excellent attack, decay, sustain, and release. I highly recommend both the sealed and ported versions of the SVS 1000 Pro Series. At their price points, there isn’t anything I rate higher.

AVS Forum Reviews SB-1000 Pro Subwoofer, läs recensionen
In actual use (movies, music, video games), the SB-1000 Pro truly does everything...Digging deep, playing clean, and offering a robust platform for tweaking with the SVS App. The sort of product you see from a company that is at the top of its game.

AVS Forum Reviews PB-1000 Pro Subwoofer, läs recensionen
The PB-1000 Pro is a great subwoofer. A quality of bass that resulted in rich, expansive sound. Don’t be surprised when it exceeds your expectations, especially when it comes to deep bass and also in terms of how good it looks and easy it is to configure. An easy AVS Forum Top Choice for 2021.

2000 Pro-serien

2000 Pro-serien görs i tre olika modeller, den portade PB-2000 Pro, slutna SB-2000 Pro samt den cylinderformade PC-2000 Pro där den stora skillnaden är storleken på kabinettet och själva konstruktionen. Alla basarna använder ett välbeprövat Sledge slutsteg med 550 watts kontinuerlig effekt (1.500 watt peak) och inbyggd 50 MHz DSP från Analog Devices. Här hittar du även SVS fantastiska app som du smidigt kopplar upp med Bluetooth mot din subwoofer och får tillgång till en mängd olika inställningsmöjligheter utan att behöva röra dig från din favoritsoffa när något behöver justeras. 2000 Pro-serien är uppsteget från 1000 Pro-serien med något större kabinett som har ännu bättre uppstagning, mycket kraftfullare slutsteg och mer påkostade drivers med större talspole för högre effekttålighet och ljudtryck. Bägge basarna kan spela både högre och djupare samt med ännu bättre kontroll.

Expert Imaging & Sound Association (EISA) Names SB-2000 Pro “Best Home Theater Subwoofer”, läs utmärkelsen
SVS has taken innovations from its larger, pricier models and built them into this new compact subwoofer. Offering a high level of performance at an affordable price, the SB-2000 Pro partners its custom 12in bass driver with a 500W ‘Sledge DSP’ amplifier, and becomes the entry-point for SVS’s app-based parametric EQ and control system. And while the sealed cabinet may be ‘small’, its performance is anything but – this is a polished performer that unearths both the nuance and scale of movie soundmixes, delivering dramatic, deep bass while simultaneously remaining controlled and speedy.

HiFi+ Reviews SB-2000 Pro Subwoofer, läs recensionen
The SVS SB-2000 Pro sub surprised me… in a good way. It would be all too easy to dismiss all subs as ‘home cinema stuff’ but this is more about audiophile prejudice than any sonic considerations. The flexibility of this subwoofer makes it a great addition to any system regardless of whether you are into John Coltrane or John Wick.

Home Cinema Choice Reviews PB-2000 Pro Subwoofer
This 12in bass - maker sounds thrillingly pure of tone, and surprisingly tight considering its ported nature. It does both low, extended rumble and sprightly bass hit exceptionally well for the money.

Audioholics Honors PB-2000 Pro with “2020 Product of the Year” Award,läs recensionen
More than just the regular SVS PB-2000 with a couple of added features, it is an entirely new redesign with major performance gains, especially in mid-bass frequencies which is where so much content dwells. The 2000 Pro Series hits a lot harder than its predecessor ever did. Along with the boost in performance, the PB-2000 Pro adds SVS Subwoofer Control App for smartphones as well as native support for a sealed operating mode. It also has an uptick in aesthetics with symmetric ports and a fabric grille. The PB-2000 Pro is a major upgrade over the previous series, not a minor one, and it easily earns our product of the year for subwoofers.

AV Tech Media (Home Cinema Choice, Hi Fi Choice, HiFi News) Honors SB-2000 Pro with “Best Subwoofer 2020 Award”, (Print Only)
A polished performer, capable of delivering deep bass from a compact cabinet, while simultaneously remaining controlled and fleet of foot. Crisp delivery and lightning-fast reactions, the SB-2000 Pro can stop and start on a dime and deliver tangible low frequency shockwaves. Higher-end features make it a competitively priced option for both film and music.

YouTube Creator “Erin’s Audio Corner” Reviews PB-2000 Pro Subwoofer, se videon
Overall, I give this subwoofer an A+. An extremely well-constructed, solid subwoofer for its price range that outperforms the competition. Great output, awesome Bluetooth app that makes life easy and very user-friendly, highly recommend!

HiFi+ Honors SB-2000 Pro with “2020 Subwoofer of the Year”
The bass depth shows just how good a modern subwoofer can be. While depth, weight and authority used to be audiophile code for boomy and overpowering, on the SB-2000 Pro, it holds no double meaning. It really shows how far subwoofers have come for both home cinema and HiFi.

YouTube Creator “Home Theater Gamer” Reviews PB-2000 Pro Subwoofer, se videon
If you’re thinking about upgrading and want excellent output extension with clean tight bass, then this subwoofer is well worth your money. Tremendous output with room shaking bass at a reasonable price point.

AV Forums Names SB-2000 Pro Editor’s Choice “2020 Best Value Subwoofer”, se utmärkelsen
A fantastic value subwoofer that delivers an accomplished performance and some cutting-edge tech at a surprisingly affordable price. If you like a compact cabinet and deep bass that’s delivered with control and speed, then this is the sub for you. It’s also a very flexible subwoofer that can pull double duties with movies and music, while also providing a tight and nimble low frequency foundation for your home cinema.

Audioholics Names PB-2000 Pro “2020 Best Powered Subwoofer Under $1,000”, läs recensionen
The SVS PB-2000 Pro keeps the superlative low-distortion and extension that SVS is known or while dramatically improving mid-bass headroom. That alone would have been worth the cost increase, but SVS also adds in their app control which comes with a three-band parametric equalizer, as well as support for a sealed operating mode. SVS finds their usual optimal balance between performance, features, industrial design, not to mention their gold-standard setting post-purchase support. SVS also has another superbly well-rounded product in the PB-2000 Pro.

AV Nirvana, Dual PB-2000 Pro, läs recensionen
A deep digging and articulate subwoofer that punches far above what it’s modest price would suggest. Unassuming and relatively compact for the performance levels it delivers. When playing in duals, the room seemed to pressurize, and a literal feeling of momentary breathlessness came over me. The Black Ash vinyl veneer has a real-wood appearance that lends a premium look and feel to the subwoofer. Easy to install and integrate using the downloadable SVS Smartphone App.

Audioholics, PB-2000 Pro Earns Bassaholic Award, läs recensionen
It possesses both the sound quality and quantity that can handle a large-scale exercise in heightened realism. This is punch-in-the-chest level bass. The basslines produced by the PB-2000 Pro were so thick that you could cut them with a knife. The weight of the bass that this sub could produce seemed implausible for its size, and I checked to see if I had accidentally left another subwoofer on; I hadn’t.

Audio Magazine (Germany), SB-2000 Pro, endast tryck
Brands that always deliver top results and deliver real excitement are usually aloof and expensive. In this respect, SVS has a very special position with its subwoofers. The new SB-2000 Pro succeeds in lowering the price threshold and dropping jaws again. It blended in perfectly without a long set-up. The bass didnt just increase, but suddenly went deep into the cellar and seemed a lot crisper. Hard to believe what extra kick this relatively small subwoofer with large boxes produces.

AV Forums Honors PC-2000 Pro with “Highly Recommended” Award, läs recensionen
Seismic bass with power and serious depth. Low frequency effects are clean and free of distortion, but also highly responsive, with performance that’s tight and nuanced. Capable of delivering deep and distortion-free bass with a surprising degree of subtlety. It can handle both music and movies, with a fast and responsive delivery that suits the former, combined with a powerful and deep low frequency attack that will enhance the latter.

AVS Forum Names SB-2000 Pro as “Top Choice 2020”, läs recensionen
It hits hard, accurately. The precision of its output complements music, movies, TV shows and video games equally. A complete product, with high performance and fit & finish to match. Feature-wise, you won’t find similar capabilities at this price point.

Sound & Vision Names SB-2000 Pro as “Top Pick” for Subwoofers, läs recensionen
Just as proficient at pumping out huge explosions in action movies as it is playing in a two-channel audiophile setup. Tight, articulate bass that starts and stops on a dime, it expanded the size of the soundstage in a dramatic way that sonically transported me. Highly Recommended.

Reference Home Theater, SB-2000 Pro, läs recensionen
Small enough to disappear into a room, but makes movies and music come alive and even full-range speakers sound much larger than they did before. A fantastic sub the plays much deeper than I ever expected it to. I was very impressed!

AV Forums, SB-2000 Pro, läs recensionen
Delivered exacting precision and depth, with energetic slam and plenty of depth. It’s also well-controlled and responsive with crisp delivery and flexible setup and control options. A polished performer and highly recommended.

SVS 3000 Micro

3000 Micro är minstingen i SVS omfattande sortiment av aktiva subwoofers men missta dig inte...den här godingen kan bita till ordentligt, sitt lilla format till trots. Med dubbla 8-tums element i ett extremt kabinett format, drivet av ett kraftfullt Sledge slutsteg på hela 800 watt (peak 2.500 watt) med inbyggd 50 MHz DSP från Analog Devices, och underbart smidig appstyrning för inställning av en mängd olika parametrar, får du en extremt lättplacerad subwoofer som både gräver på djupet och spelar rappt och musikaliskt när det krävs.

The Audiophiliac (YouTube) Reviews 3000 Micro Se videon
A very special subwoofer. Fills the room and creates phenomenal environ mental sound. Big, thunderous, meaty, it was really kicking butt. Makes speakers sound so much better. Beautifully finished. The app is terrific. A really thrilling experience.

AVS Forums Reviews 3000 Micro, "Top Pick 2021" Läs recensionen
The secret weapon for when what you want is big subwoofer sound, without the bigsubwoofer. It just plain sounds good. Put great bass where you need because “there’s no room for a subwoofer” has met its match. The size is a revelation, in terms of how easy it is to handle and to find a place to put it. But the performance is the greater revelation.

Soundstage Reviews 3000 Micro Subwoofer, “Reviewers Choice” Award Läs recensionen
The 3000 Micro performed remarkably well for its size — and looks great. And SVS’s app is very useful. I was wowed by the bass extension, slam, and low-frequency detail this tiny subwoofer added to my system. It made the sound bigger and more involving, on both movies and music. A dynamite product.

The Master Switch reviews the 3000 Micro, läs recensionen
The SVS 3000 Micro does the impossible, delivering world-shaking bass from a very tiny package

Joe N Tell (YouTube) Reviews 3000 Micro Subwoofer, Se videon
The SVS 3000 Micro is a very attractive subwoofer has the perfect balance where its small but the output is very impressive
and can hit pretty low. Both 8-inch opposing drivers perform extremely well and is perfect for smaller applications. Highly recommend.

SVS SB-3000

SVS SB-3000 har bestyckats med ett rejält 13 tums element som placerats i en sluten lådkonstruktion med kompakta mått. Med SB-3000 får du en subwoofer som presterar en spikrak frekvenssvarskurva hela vägen ned till 18 Hz +-3dB och ända upp till 270 Hz, vilket ger dig en rapp bas som även presterar på djupet. Ett 800 W Sledge-steg med peak-effekt på över 2500 W ser till att elementet hålls i full kontroll och kan agera med enorm precision. Steget kontrolleras av en DSP på hela 50 MHz, vilken känns igen från 4000 och 16 Ultra-modellerna. Sammantaget ger SB-3000 väldigt mycket bas för pengarna och är ett rejält steg upp från 2000-serien samtidigt som den är ett alternativ i lägre prisnivå jämfört med de fantastiska 4000 och 16-modellerna. Återigen ser SVS till att skapa en referensmodell vid respektive prispunkt.

Home Media Entertainment, SB-3000 Läs recensionen
It was not only amazing the kind of power such a small sealed cabinet could produce, and it could produce a lot. It was also the kind of control it had over the low end that really gave us the chills. It is undoubtedly an amazing piece of audio equipment and if you are dead serious at adding some quality low end power to your system, whether it be for movies or music, the SVS SB-3000 is the kind of subwoofer that will definitely leave you in awe.

The Master Switch, SB-3000 Earns “Editor’s Choice” Award Läs recensionen
What SVS have done with their DSP here is nothing short of miraculous. Quite simply, it leaves its competitors in the dust. Audio quality was meaty and muscular, and while it felt controlled, it never lost its sense of fun. We don’t think we’ve heard sound this good in a subwoofer below about $2,000. It knocked our damn socks off!

HomeTheaterReview “Best of 2019 Awards”, SB-3000 Läs recensionen
For those looking for a right-priced yet highly powerful sealed box subwoofer, the SVS SB-3000 is a perfect choice for so many music and home theater enthusiasts. Greg Handy wrote: "If youre looking for state-of-the-art, high performing subwoofer, with small proportions and the qualities of a sealed enclosure, the SVS SB-3000 is worth every penny and more in my opinion.

Stereophile, SB-3000 Läs recensionen
The SB-3000s pitch-perfect room-pressurizing bass, small size, low weight, rugged construction, and reliable smartphone app make it an outstanding choice. I was unprepared for the fun I had reviewing this subwoofer. Coupled with both the ESL-989s and LS50s, twin SB-3000s delivered solid bass down to 16Hz in my small listening room—I still dont quite believe it—without bloat or overload. New lows in reference subwoofer performance, indeed.

Expert Sound & Imaging Association (EISA)
For its SB-3000 subwoofer, SVS takes the performance-first ethos of its higher-end models and brings it to a new, lower price point. Featuring a freshly designed 13.5in driver in a compact, sealed cabinet, allied to an 800W Sledge DSP amplifier, this dedicated bass-maker excels when it comes to depth, speed, control and slam. Movie soundtracks hit hard, while music playback benefits from nuanced, tight bass. It’s a tweaker’s delight too, with SVS’s Bluetooth control app offering parametric EQ to match its performance to your listening room, in addition to quick adjustments of level, and sound preset selection. For those seeking a sub offering both power and precision, the SB-3000 is difficult to resist.

Soundstage, SB-3000 “Reviewer’s Choice Award” Läs recensionen
Liver-massaging ultra-low bass. I felt I was simultaneously reaping the rewards of large and small woofer cones: slam and pressure, and nimble speed. Dug deep, letting me really feel the lowest notes in my chair with impressive punch and authority. This combination of intense punch with the feel of low-frequency extension had me turning it up loud -- and it was an exhilarating experience. The bass I heard bordered on the difficult to believe -- very fast, very tight, very deep, with more than enough output to fill my 15’L x 12’W x 8’H room with sound-pressure levels that would satisfy the most demanding bass heads.

AVForums “Editor’s Choice Award”, SB-3000 Läs recensionen
It’s remarkable how deep and powerful the SB-3000 is considering its relatively small cabinet. However, it never loses its sense of timing and precision, delivering pin-point accuracy and plenty of speed. It retains a refinement and musicality that is genuinely excellent but still delivers seismic levels of low frequency energy.

Sound & Vision, SB-3000 “Top Product of the Year Award” Läs recensionen
Performance was characterized by extreme low-frequency extension, massive output, and precision in transients. At one point I had to check my wiring to make sure I had disconnected my other four subwoofers—it was that impressive! Even at reference levels, the SB-3000 didnt break a sweat—each bass note hit with power, precision, and speed. I was completely blown away by my experience. It has no equal at its price.

HomeTheaterForum, SB-3000 Läs recensionen
Maintained composure even when pushed for extended periods. Capable of playing far louder than I was comfortable listening. Literally shook rafters in rooms which are not designed for punishing sound playback. Recommended and well worth the asking price!.

SVS PB-3000

SVS PB-3000 är en 13 tums portad subwoofer som spelar ända ned till 16 Hz med full kontroll +-3dB. Ett 800 W Sledge-steg med peak-effekt på över 2500 W ser till att elementet hålls i full kontroll och kan agera rappt och precist. Steget kontrolleras av en DSP på hela 50 MHz, vilken känns igen från 4000 och 16 Ultra-modellerna. Sammantaget ger PB-3000 väldigt mycket bas för pengarna och är ett rejält steg upp från 2000-serien.

Audioholics Honors SVS PB-3000 in “Best Powered Subwoofers under $1,500 for 2021, Läs recensionen
A competent deep bass digger with strong output to below 20Hz. PB-3000 may be our favorite subwoofer that SVS has yet produced. Another great well-rounded design.

AVS Forum, PB-3000 “Recommended, Läs recensionen
So potent it almost startled me. The PB-3000 cannot only handle volume, it seems to relish the challenge. In effect, it performs better the more you crank it. This thing seems to enjoy being pushed. I never sensed the PB-3000 struggling. I beat the living you-know-what out of this thing and it never flinched. No matter the volume, no matter how punishing the source material, it shrugged off everything. Composed and powerful is a nice combination.

VIDEO Magazine, PB-3000, Print Only
The new SVS PB-3000 is the champion in the range under 2000 Euro. Its lightning-fast response to impulses predestined the PB-3000 not only for the intended use in surround systems. With this dry punch, it is also recommended for music fans for lust on an extra level. Unmatched material costs performance and comfort for the money. A real zinger in every way

ReferenceHomeTheater, PB-3000, Läs recensionen
Packs plenty of impact and depth, fills the room with thunderous bass. Fantastic performing subwoofer that does a wonderful job with movies and music. It fills out the lower octaves in music without drawing extra attention to itself, and you can feel it in your chest as it rattles the walls when watching movies. The PB-3000 gets an easy recommendation and might even stick around in my system permanently.

SVS PB-4000

SVS PB-4000 är en 13,5 tums portad subwoofer som spelar ända ned till 13 Hz med full kontroll. Otroligt bastryck med både finess och hög detaljgrad i basljudet. Ett högkvalitativt 13,5 tums element drivs av det berömda Sledge-steget som i denna konfiguration presterar 1200 W RMS och hela 4000 W Peak. Tillsammans med Analogue Devices mest avancerade DSP som dessutom kan kontrolleras via din Smartphone ger möjligheter till perfekt tuning efter din smak och behov. 267810

EISA Award, SB-4000, Läs recensionen
The SB-4000 is in a class of its own. This breathtaking subwoofer is capable of unleashing pure dynamics even with the very lowest subsonic frequencies and pinpoint LFE precision from any location. Offering maximum SPL, massive slam and incredible low-frequency extension, this sub will shake, rattle and roll your home theater.

Home Theater Review Reviews SB-4000 Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
Provided a solid, deep bass foundation with both music and movies…Shook and rattled my room with ease, a great multi-purpose subwoofer that balances brawn with finesse. The Goldilocks of subwoofers, hitting the sweet spot of energy, control, size, features and cost.

Audioholics, “Product of the Year”, PB-4000, Läs recensionen
It is as much of a beauty as it is a brute, in that it looks and acts sophisticated but that is just a veneer that hides some truly explosive power. It exemplifies the high fidelity that has always been a hallmark of SVS subwoofers. Beauty, brains, and brawn; the PB-4000 has it all and earns our subwoofer product of the year.

HomeTheaterReview, “Best Subwoofer 2018, Läs recensionen
A sub with brute force that also performs so nimbly and even gently when the source material calls for it. I found myself so viscerally impressed by the PB-4000’s low-frequency output that I kept cranking up the volume to see which of us (me or the sub) would cry uncle first. In the end, I lost. SVS has another undeniable winner on its hands here—one that outperforms its predecessor while delivering improved aesthetics at a cheaper sticker price. I could not give it a heartier recommendation.

Hemmabio (Sweden), PB-4000,
Massive, powerful, controlled, forceful, extremely deep, detailed, nuanced, it’s a lot of words in my note book but not one single hesitation – this is a extremely competent subwoofer from start to finish for all occasions. It’s a sub for everyone, as long as you can accept the price and have the space that it needs, because this is a very high-quality subwoofer! Whether you need to integrate with bookshelf speakers, in wall speakers, or big floorstanders, PB-4000 will support them in a fantastic ways

Audioholics, PB-4000 “Bassaholic Extreme” Award, Läs recensionen
Tears into bass, the deeper the frequency, the more energetic it gets…users who want strong, uncolored bass that doesn’t change its character at all with varying loudness levels can have that in the PB-4000. Makes the fantastic seem more plausible by adding depth and grandeur to the soundscape.

AVForums, PB-4000, Highly Recommended Award, Läs recensionen
Subterranean levels of bass with a surprising level of subtlety and grace. It loaded the entire room with low frequency energy in breathtaking fashion with impact that you felt rather than heard…There was also a crispness and clarity to the bass, coupled with a sense of delicacy and responsiveness that is a testament to the engineering inside the incredibly inert cabinet. Pure bass heaven.

HomeTheaterReview, PB-4000, Läs recensionen
A sub with brute force that also performs so nimbly and even gently when the source material calls for it. I found myself so viscerally impressed by the PB-4000’s low-frequency output that I kept cranking up the volume to see which of us (me or the sub) would cry uncle first. In the end, I lost. SVS has another undeniable winner on its hands here—one that outperforms its predecessor while delivering improved aesthetics at a cheaper sticker price. I could not give it a heartier recommendation.

SVS SB-4000

SVS SB-4000 är modellen i 4000-serien med sluten lådkonstruktion. Otrolig kraft och kontroll från kompakta mått tack vare teknik från den välrenommerade 16 Ultra-serien. Basljud du både känner och hör med ett frekvenssvar på 19-310 Hz +-3 dB! Ett högkvalitativt 13,5 tums element drivs av det berömda Sledge-steget som i denna konfiguration presterar 1200 W RMS och hela 4000 W Peak. Tillsammans med Analogue Devices mest avancerade DSP som dessutom kan kontrolleras via din Smartphone ger möjligheter till perfekt tuning efter din smak och behov. 268350

Home Theater Forum Reviews Dual SB-4000, Läs recensionen
Strong and powerful bass, even at very low overall volumes. I could have dialed it up a LOT more but was worried about my homes structure. When you factor in rock solid design and feature set along with the excellent SVS control app and their world-class warranty and support package, the SVS line is simply hard to beat. The SB-4000 will satisfy even the most ardent audiophiles.

AVS Forums “Top Pick of the Year”, Dual SB-4000, Läs recensionen
Fast, tuneful bass, huge amounts of slam and infrasonic bass extension. A welcome dollop of gut level satisfaction. The subwoofer delivered high quality, high end sound that was right at home in a $50,000+ system. SVS goes out of its way to produce products that offer excellent value, high quality sound, and a satisfying customer experience. SVS and the SB-4000 have my highest recommendation.

HomeCinemaMagazine.nl (Netherlands), SB-4000, Läs recensionen
With the SB-4000 you get a subwoofer that is immensely powerful and dives very deeply - and that also works smoothly in large spaces. It is also incredibly fast, so that bass is served accurately and compellingly. At the same time, it is also able to subtly support your surround speakers. It is not only suitable for rough work. We never thought to stick this label to this giant, but it is ... yes, refined.

ReferenceHomeTheater, SB-4000, Läs recensionen
The SB-4000 does exactly what I want in a sub: make my speakers sound like they play down to 20Hz without any effort or strain by completely disappearing. It offers the same level of impact that I’ve heard at live concerts…and it has helped me discover how much deep bass I was missing from everything. A wonderful sub and highly recommended.

Audio Magazine (Germany), “Recommended Product” Award, SB-4000,
Extended deep bass in the room with audiophile precision. The SVS SB-4000 executed the perfect bass storm – with power and yet easiness.

SVS PC-4000

SVS PC-4000 är en cylinderformad subwoofer med enbart 16 tums diameter och som har bestyckats med SVS kraftfulla 13,5 tums element. Subwoofern spelar hela vägen ned till 15 Hz med full kontroll! Det kraftfulla Sledge-slutsteget kan leverera över 4000 W i peak och hela 1200 W RMS och det hela styrs av Analog Devices mest avancerade DSP som ger möjlighet att ställa om PC-4000 efter hur basportarna konfigurerats mm. Enkelt hanterat via app till din mobiltelefon.

AVForums “Highly Recommended Award”, PC-4000, Läs recensionen
It pressurized the room to an almost disturbing level… has a presence that is felt as much as it is heard. Can also harness its considerable power, and release it with speed and precision, remaining taut as it hits hard but doesn’t linger. a well-made and expertly engineered subwoofer that delivers a superb performance and comes highly recommended.

SparechangeReviews, PC-4000 PC-4000, Se videon
Delivers a great combination of hard-hitting bass and ultra low-end rumble. Quick, hard-hitting tactile bass that can give your body a nice little massage while you watch a movie or listen to music. Really broadened the soundstage and added a whole new dimension to my auditory experience.

HomeCinemaChoice (UK), PC-4000, Läs recensionen
It can rattle your house with room-filling low-frequency energy, delivering bass notes that you feel in your stomach…Plenty of low-end extension here, but a surprising degree of subtlety. As a result, I found it to be extremely nimble. The sub can harness its considerable power and release it with speed and precision. And considering the state-of-the-art subwoofery inside, it isn’t that expensive either..

AVSForum, PC-4000, Top Choice 2018 Award, Läs recensionen
The PC-4000 plays deep, clean, and loud without breaking a sweat. It is extremely capable of handling the most demanding movie soundtracks with foundation-cracking ability, and it reproduces music with subtlety and fine articulation. I am not only impressed, but I’m pleased to purchase these terrific performers for my reference review system.

Sound & Vision, PC-4000, Top Picks Award winner, Läs recensionen
Subterranean bass shook my room. Hit with such force that I could literally feel the impact in my chest—man I love bass! Response is taut; notes don’t linger and their natural resonance is reproduced faithfully. This is one fantastic subwoofer, and if floor space is an issue for your system, it’s well worth auditioning. Highly Recommended!.

SVS PB16-Ultra

SVS PB16-Ulra är bokstavligt talat en enorm och brutalt kraftfull subwoofer där många konkurrenter bleknar i jämförelse. Älskar du bas som verkligen känns i kroppen så kan du sluta leta! PB16-Ultra är flaggskeppet från SVS och ett statement från företaget utan några som helst kompromisser. Rekommenderas starkt från oss på Hembiobutiken!.

AVSForum, PB16-Ultra Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
The power and depth of the bass this sub produces makes AV experiences more visceral. There was never an instance where the demands of what I listened to exceeded what the PB16-Utra could deliver. The best-performing, highest-impact sub I’ve heard.

PanTheOrganizer (YouTube), Dual PB16-Ultra, Se videon
Soul-shattering bass. Absolutely outstanding, it completely changed my movie-watching experience. Build quality is flawless and they are massive in sound. They output they delivered is more than anything I ever expected and there’s no reason for me to go to the cinema ever again.

ReferenceHomeTheater, PB16-Ultra Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
Hearing, or feeling, subsonic notes is a treat and I thank SVS for engineering and producing a subwoofer that is capable of doing this while maintaining quality sound with low distortion. Bravo! A monster of a sub. Incredible depth and detail and perfect for intense, bone crushing bass. Competes with subwoofers costing much more.

TheMasterSwitch, PB16-Ultra Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
Within minutes of testing it for the first time, we loved it unconditionally. Watching a movie through a 5.1 system, or listening to music, is revelatory and is some of the best fun we’ve had with a piece of audio equipment. The PB16-Ultra is the single best home subwoofer available today

SVS SB16-Ultra

SVS SB16-Ulra är den slutna versionen av flaggskeppet PB16-Ultra. Älskar du bas som verkligen känns i kroppen så kan du sluta leta! Tack vare sin slutna konstruktion och nättare kabinett gör den mer lättplacerad mot storebror och ett perfekt val för biorum där utrymmet är prioriterat251140

HomeTheaterForum, SB16-Ultra Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
Instead of bass that booms, its bass that hits, and it hits hard. Deep and authoritative, the SB16-Ultra can flex its ample muscle and deliver impressively clean output and very high sound pressure levels and it has features and aesthetics that are unmatched. Betters the competition in every way.

Audioholics, SB16-Ultra Subwoofer, Läs recensionen
This is the scariest subwoofer I’ve ever played with. I am not able to go to the limit on this subwoofer. It makes the fur on my arms stand up.

AVForums, SB16-Ultra (Highly Recommended Award), Läs recensionen
The ability to handle bass moments with both power and dexterity is what really impressed but the SB16-Ultra also managed to deliver incredibly low frequencies without distorting. It was a highly accomplished performance that showed how effective SVSs efforts have been in delivering a sealed subwoofer that can hold its own against ported boxes

Stereophile, SB16-Ultra, Läs recensionen
Pitch-perfect, detailed, fast bass, and enough power to function in my large listening room. Reproduced the deepest notes with mass and solidity. No muddying of the clarity and transparency of the highs. The dynamics ranged from soft murmurs to a thunderous rumble. A Class A component if ever there was one

HomeTheaterReview, 2017 Product of the Year, Läs recensionen
Our measurements showed that the output of this sealed sub is comparable to that of many larger ported subs. Brent Butterworth called it "a truly impressive creation that delivers bass reproduction unlike anything else out there," adding that those who love sealed-box designs might consider it "the greatest subwoofer ever made

HemmaBio (Sweden), SB16-Ultra & PB16-Ultra,
One of the most potent, versatile and wonderfully terror-inducing bass solutions we’ve had the pleasure of testing. Touches you by putting a steady but friendly hand on your chest and shoving it, completely in tune with the music, the v8-engine, the speeding flock of wild horses or whatever you’ve chosen to play. Rightly configured and adjusted the SVS Ultra Subwoofers are the difference between fiction and reality and should therefore be highest up on your priority list for your home cinema

European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) Award – Best Home Theatre Subwoofer
Summing up what makes this subwoofer such an impressive performer requires just two words: size and power. Whether it’s the huge cabinet (with three mighty high-flow ports), the monstrous 16in driver or the 1.5kW Class-D amplifier, nothing about this SVS woofer is shy or retiring. Yet with movie sound mixes or music, it matches its room-filling presence with poise, control and exquisite lows.