Vi hade det på känn när SVS lanserade sin SB-1000 Pro förra året att här har vi årets EISA Awardvinnare 2021-2022...när dessutom den extremt kompakta 3000 Micro lanserades trodde vi det skulle bli en maktkamp mellan de två väldigt potenta basarna. SVS tog inte hem ett pris utan lyckades pricka in dubbla, för bästa kompakta subwoofer samt bästa köp i kategorin hemmabiobasar!
SVS har tagit innovationer från sina större, dyrare modeller och byggt in dem i den här nya, kompakta subbasen. SB-2000 Pro ger hög prestanda till ett överkomlig pris, genom den specialbyggda 12-tummaren som drivs av en 500W Sledge DSP-förstärkare och innebär en inträdesbiljett till SVS appbaserade parametriska EQ och kontrollsystem. Trots att den slutna lådan är relativt liten, är prestandan allt annat än det! Den här polerade underhållaren ger såväl nyanser som skala till filmljudet och levererar dramatisk, djup bas med bibehållen kontroll och snabbhet.
For its SB-3000 subwoofer, SVS takes the performance-first ethos of its higher-end models and brings it to a new, lower price point. Featuring a freshly designed 13.5in driver in a compact, sealed cabinet, allied to an 800W Sledge DSP amplifier, this dedicated bass-maker excels when it comes to depth, speed, control and slam. Movie soundtracks hit hard, while music playback benefits from nuanced, tight bass. It’s a tweaker’s delight too, with SVS’s Bluetooth control app offering parametric EQ to match its performance to your listening room, in addition to quick adjustments of level, and sound preset selection. For those seeking a sub offering both power and precision, the SB-3000 is difficult to resist.
When it comes to a bass performance you can feel as well as hear, the SB-4000 is in a class of its own. Borrowing technology from SVS’s 16-Ultra reference-grade range, this breathtaking subwoofer is equipped with a ‘Sledge’ amplifier boasting a mighty 4000W peak delivery. Its long-throw, 13.5-in driver – bolted inside a solid closed cabinet – is capable of unleashing pure dynamics even with the very lowest subsonic frequencies. SVS’s advanced DSP offers impeccable room correction with full parametric equalization, letting the SB-4000 provide pinpoint LFE precision from any location, while all its settings can be easily altered via remote control or smartphone app. Offering maximum SPL, massive slam and an incredible low-frequency extension, this sub will shake, rattle and roll your home theatre.268350
This sub is insanely good… and two of them? Off the charts! I can’t speak highly enough of the sub’s integration offerings, especially when used with software such as Room EQ Wizard – Bravo, SVS! And taking the subs beyond reference levels isn’t a problem (I was never able to reach a breaking point). The crossover from subwoofers to speakers was undetectable, blending with a seamless grace that truly picky enthusiasts would appreciate. Super clean bass that thunders with precision.